Wilkerson Nature Preserve, Raleigh *We have added Anne B. Wilkerson, MD Nature Preserve to our list of Best Local Hikes in the Triangle Area. Though small it is also quiet, scenic and feels much larger, in part because its trails connect to the much larger Falls Lake area and the Mountains to Sea Trail.* Not all the hikes we take […]
Jefferson Mountain: A Hike Fit For All (Dogs Included)
Mount Jefferson by the Mountain Ridge Trail *We have added Mount Jefferson to the list of best places to hike in the Southern Appalachians and Carolinas. Though there are several nearby places which are superior…Elk Knob for example…and many of the best views are reachable by car, it’s still well worth checking out.* After a successful dog-human team hike of […]
Elk Knob – A Hike For Everybody
Elk Knob State Park Summit Trail is Fitz Roy’s First Mountain Hike *We have added Elk Knob State Park as one of the Best Places to Hike in the Southern Appalachians. This is truly an excellent hike for everybody; a very well graded trail, excellent viewpoints, and not too crowded (yet.) Last weekend Minister of Expedition Planning Brian broke down […]
The Education of Mr. Fitz Roy
The Life and Training of a Hiking Dog Some updates from the life and training of a hiking dog… Sylvia and Brian continue to work molding expedition sled dog/surf dog Fitz Roy into a companion suitable for hiking. Fitz is intelligent, energetic and eager to please. But he is also very excitable (that’s the sled dog in him) and sometimes […]