We’ll soon beheaded into Summer Vacation mode here in BecauseItzThere land, as Sylvia and Brian venture far afield to bring back more quality hiking adventures to you. We’ll be checking in as time, internet access and other events beyond our control allow.

WHAT have Brian and Sylvia gotten themselves into this time?

To fill the gaps until we get back, we’ll be posting some ‘re-runs’ of older posts than many newcomers to the site have not seen yet…Including our adventures on the Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu in Peru, and our recent wanderings in the Pacific Northwest.


Few things are more sought after by travelers than a photo in this spot…
Mt. Rainier National Park
…But we found the high alpine meadows of Mt. Rainier to be as spectacular as anything we have seen.


Also, be sure to check out our updated hiking page for more info on our Bucket List Hikes (including the one we’ll be doing for summer vacation) and the newly re-designed hike pages for our adventures closer to home. We have recently posted new info pages for the Alum Cave Trail, Mt. Cammerer and Old Rag…three of the south’s best hikes!

But for now…enjoy the re-runs and we’ll be back soon!