Hike the Patagonian Route of Parks? Um, Not Exactly…

Patagonian Route of Parks: Update A couple of weeks back, we mentioned a story on the “Patagonian Route of Parks” that had been heavily posted all throughout the travel and outdoor recreation blogosphere. NatGeo, Travel and Leisure, the BBC, Lonely Planet, Men’s Journal… As we are headed to Patagonia next year, we were very excited about this, but details about […]

One Year of Becauseitzthere!

One Year on the Air! One year ago we started this blog in order to share our experiences. The result has surpassed our every possible expectation! Not only has it been a great way to share our stories, but it has also encouraged us to have many more. The last year was a big one, and included our biggest adventure […]

A Rainbow in the Mist: Rainbow Falls

Waterfall Week II: Rainbow Falls, NC **DISCLAIMER: While all of the waterfalls featured here on Becauseitzthere can be safely hiked and enjoyed, be aware that there is GREAT RISK involved in venturing off trail near ANY of the waterfalls described here. We advise you to HIKE SAFELY. Please remember that you are responsible for your own safety on the trail. […]

New Stuff!

Updates to the site: Shiny and new! And this ain’t Imagination Christmas! Check out our new landing page for Tour Du Mont Blanc information! Also coming soon… New hike to Hawksbill Mountain in NC! Waterfall Week II! Fall Colors! Woo Hoo!!! GoPro Movies! Nephew Mikey visits from Dallas! (Yeah we’re excited about that there development.) And more! Much as we […]

A Hidden Gem at Falls Lake!

  Blue Jay Point County Park, Wake County, NC **We have added Blue Jay Point County Park to our list of best local hikes. The park hosts part of the Mountains to Sea Trail, the continuous footpath that links the twin highlights of the Tar Heel State…it’s fabulous seacoast and its mountainous Western Border. It is one of our favorite […]

Tough times for Zion National Park

Angels Landing reopens…but now the Narrows is indefinitely closed. A lot of unfortunate news coming out of Zion National Park these days. First, due to damage resulting from a severe storm earlier this year, the Angels Landing Trail – the most popular in the park – was closed for months. Then, just days after Angel’s Landing re-opened, the park announced […]

2018 UTMB Results!

The 2018 Ultra Tour du Mont (UTMB) race is over and Frenchman Xavier Thévenard is, for the third time, the winner. Not only is the UTMB the most celebrated off-road endurance race in Europe, but it’s one of the toughest ultramarathons in the world. Crossing 103 miles of mountainous terrain with over 30,000 feet of elevation gain (a greater total […]