Taking a much needed rest the last few days. But we’ll have more posts soon! The the meantime we have updated our Bucket List, Best Hikes in the Southern Appalachians and Local Hikes pages. We are also finished with all of our preparations for the Tour Du Mont Blanc, now just a few weeks away! Brian is hastily cramming to increase his Tarzan-fluency en Francais.
We have plenty of stuff upcoming. Look for a trip report of our last foray out to Damascus, VA…America’s Trail Town, coming very soon. Also I am putting together a few reports about waterfalls of note.
Meanwhile, here’s some pictures taken last week of us on the Neuse River Greenway near Horsehoe Bend Park.

And here’s some leftover pics from Sylvia’s Iphone of the Santa Cruz Trek! Don’t you just wanna?
Check back soon for more!