If We Can Do It, So Can You!
Hi, we’re Brian and Sylvia. We are based in the Raleigh, NC area and we travel and share our travel experiences! We love the outdoors…it is our passion and we will go anywhere in search of new adventures, both near and far afield. Check back soon for new ones!
Also welcome our newest team member Fitz Roy!
Sylvia and I are not hardcore adrenaline junkies, survival experts or outdoor athletes. On the contrary — our site, BecauseItzThere, is a hiking/adventure blog designed for people who wish to enjoy the outdoors but aren’t necessarily hardcore ‘enthusiasts.’ It is our opinion that ANYONE can enjoy the outdoors. Virtually all of the adventures that appear on this page are within the ability of the average able bodied person, assuming that the will to do them is present and strong. If we can do it, so can you!
***Note that we get NO compensation of any kind for any gear, places venues etc. that appear in this space. We will however link to websites we like!***