We’re About to Explore New Territory on BecauseItzThere!
Sylvia and Brian are fresh off their Anniversary trip to Baja California. We enjoyed ourselves greatly, but did no hiking on this trip. You would not want to hike the Baja in summer, unless you have a fondness for heatstroke.

However we are about to embark on a second trip out west, and this will be to a place where one definitely WOULD do hiking in Summer.

Here’s a hint…if you picture one place in the USA that is known specifically for mountains, where would it be?

Here’s a few more hints…
- It became a state in 1876
- It is 104,000 square miles in area
- It contains 53 peaks over 14,000 feet in height…more than the rest of the other 48 states combined
- It is more recently known for the 64th amendment to its constitution, dude!
- This guy is commonly associated with it…

If you still didn’t get it, here’s another hint…and if you don’t get this one, you’re probably complying with the 64th amendment…

Brian has always had big plans to hike here, but one thing or another stood in his way. Now, we’re going there.
Coming Soon!
Featured Image of Long’s Peak by By Rationalobserver – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=43815679