Brian and Sylvia celebrate their Tenth Wedding Anniversary

We’re back from celebrating our Tenth Wedding Anniversary! Has it really been ten years?

Yes. It really has been ten years.

The typical gift given on the Tenth Anniversary is described as ‘tin or aluminum.’ Therefore we decided to give one another the gift of aluminum…in the form of an airplane fuselage, which we rode all the way to the Pacific Coast of Mexico.

Torchlight dinner by the crashing pacific surf

Here, we planned to have a tin of Tequila…but alas we could find no tin. Fortunately, we did find plenty of glasses and no shortage of tequila.


And plenty more to see as well.





No, this isn’t exactly a hiking trip. Theoretically, it would be possible to hike here in the winter, and perhaps someday we might if we could fully address some of the lingering logistical and safety concerns (the interior of Mexico has great potential for eco-touring, but is presently very undeveloped for hiking as well as potentially unsafe.)

But there was plenty of coastline to explore that we can throw at you, and we do in fact plan to throw plenty of it. The next few posts will be entirely devoted to this vacation, so if you aren’t much for coastlines, this may not be your cup of tea.

But then again if you are — or are simply looking for a place to go yourself and enjoy oceans of blue and oceans of tequila — well then tune in for the Baja Sur!

